Public Relations


Be prepared to up your PR game for 2023

February 2023

Reading time: 3 minute(s).

The PR landscape is constantly evolving.  

Publications are becoming more selective as they pursue clicks, while readers are just as likely to find their news from a social platform than a newspaper. 

What was once considered news may no longer grab the attention of a busy editor and being able to put your brand front and centre becomes an ever growing challenge. 

So, what can businesses do to reach their target audience through local, national or trade press? 



Be prepared to ask yourself some tough questions and be honest with your replies. Is this genuinely a story? If I was a consumer, would I be interested in this? You can save yourself a lot of wasted effort if you concentrate on the content that you know will land.

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DO your research 

If you’ve identified a publication that you believe is the right fit for your brand, take a close look at the articles they are already publishing.



Do they have a certain style? And would your narrative fit their requirements? Take a look at their editorial guidelines and be sure your brief ticks the boxes. 


DO be pitch perfect 

Whether it’s via a phone call or an email, you have only one shot so you need to make it count. Be prepared for questions and be clear with your responses. Use your research to tailor the pitch to the publication. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback if you are rejected – it will help you learn for next time. 


DO think about your message 

Whatever your brand, whether you are a bank or a village pub, you are talking to a busy audience. And, in the current climate, you are talking to a busy audience with a budget. A growing number of consumers are supporting brands because they buy into their ‘story’. Try to build an emotional connection to increase your chances of raising brand awareness. 


DO be on trend 

The environment and green issues are very much in the headlines at the moment as the UK pushes towards its net-zero goal. What is your business actively doing to support the eco agenda? Content relating to this and other hot topics shows you have your finger on the pulse and know what the top talking points are. 

DO go for quality over quantity 

The days of companies sticking to a rigid plan of x number of press releases a month are gone. If you don’t have anything good to say, keep quiet. Not only will you earn a reputation for spamming editors’ inboxes, the chances are when you do have a gem of a story it will be overlooked. A considered approach will serve you better. Be prepared to ask yourself some tough questions and be honest with your replies. Is this genuinely a story? If I was a consumer, would I be interested in this? You can save yourself a lot of wasted effort if you concentrate on the content that you know will land. A handful of quality press releases with good coverage is way better than having dozens filed under B1N. 

DO think outside of the box 

Organic coverage is always the dream, but if you have key brand messages to share with your target consumers, consider opting for a different route. Newsletters are the ideal way to reach your audience directly. If they are on your mailing list, you already know they have an interest in you.



Leverage this to your advantage. But be strategic; no-one wants their inbox flooding with messages they aren’t going to read. 

If you require any help with your PR, our team includes former journalists who will be happy to discuss your requirements. Give us a call. 

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February 2023 | Julie Palmer