Public Relations


Spotlight on internal comms

July 2021

Reading time: 4 minute(s).

Boris Johnson has given the green light for people to return to workplaces from 19 July. It’s time to bid farewell to interrupted kitchen Teams meetings, casual dress – from the waist down – and starting the dinner an hour earlier.

It’s no longer enough to make announcements through a universal email

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Why your internal communications are important

It is now time to communicate with your staff and let them know the – apologies in advance – ‘new normal’. During a period of overwhelming uncertainty, it is not enough to make announcements through a universal email. Your internal communications should be as strategic as your external.

Your staff are your first brand ambassadors. Well-managed internal communication is essential for retaining both customer and employee satisfaction. This increases staff retention and creates a constructive team environment.

No matter what your return to the office plans are, observing effective and transparent communication within your business is essential.

It keeps your employees informed and makes them feel valued. This creates a greater sense of employee wellbeing and, in turn, increases confidence and motivation.

Defining your audience

Your workforce is likely to vary in seniority, generations and with diverse backgrounds. They may also hold opposing values, as well as having varying levels of technical skill.

Differing circumstances will affect how messages are received and responded to. Selecting the appropriate form, style and tone of communication will demonstrate you understand and value your employees.


What you can do

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July 2021 | Adam Mclaughlan